a smart relationship
with farming

An smart relationship
with farming means:


We are open to farm innovation as part of our strategy to create sustainable value.

More opportunities
more development

We maintain the land and farming to bring employment, economic development to Guatemala.

Respect our

We cultivate responsible and long-lasting relationships with our neighbor communities.

Protect our
natural resources

We respect environmental laws to guarantee resources for future generations.


We protect and boost farming because we understand farming as that essential asset for the future of humanity. 

More than 40 years
unleashing the potential of sugarcane

Revive the milestones that turned a family business into the biggest sugarcane producer in Guatemala and the second in Latin America. Find out about the new commitments to agriculture innovation.

Our story

Designing farming
of the future

We wish for farming full of opportunities and therefore we develop innovative agriculture and industrial processes to boost our productivity and hand in hand with our people to protect the environment.

Our processes

We protect our
most valuable resource

At Magdalena we are aware that all goals are attainable through the collaborative work of thousands of people from multiple fields of knowledge and professional disciplines. We are guided by an integrating vision, a particular and agreed way of overcoming any challenges we face day after day.

Our people

We move forward
towards sustainable farming

We take responsibility for our role as transforming agents and work every day on the positive mark we want to leave on this world.

Our programs